Tuesday, January 27, 2015


LONG STORY SHORT – When we really start comparing scriptures between the many bible versions – especially major doctrines such as the virgin birth of Jesus, Christ's deity, and the three persons of the Godhead – it becomes very clear that the only Bible that EXALTS our Lord and Saviour to the HIGHEST, with NO CONTRADICTIONS ( when rightly divided ), is, in fact, the Authorized King James Version (KJV). In addition, the Dead Sea Scrolls support the KJV, not the modern versions.


The KJV Bible has been proven time and time again by Science, History, Scholars, Mathematicians etc to be the Book of unequaled quality. All others fail to measure up to the Authorized King James Bible.

The KJV Bible is unique because it is the only bible that is PUBLIC DOMAIN – the KJV Bible is the only bible that is not copyrighted. Therefore, we can count on it NOT TO CHANGE, unlike all the other bible PERversions which change often for more profits.

The KJV Bible makes it clear that there is a BOOK of the Lord, and that we are to seek it out and read it.

Isa 34:16 KJV: “Seek ye out of the BOOK of the LORD, and read:”

God’s word tells us not only to read the BOOK of the Lord, but to study it too.

The KJV Bible is the ONLY bible that commands us to study it.
The KJV Bible is the ONLY bible that commands us to study it.
The KJV Bible is the ONLY bible that commands us to study it.

2Ti 2:15 KJV: “STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

However, the modern bible versions conveniently change or completely remove the one verse that commands us to STUDY God’s word. Isn’t that a little suspicious?

God wants us to know His words. Why? Jesus says if we don’t know the scriptures we will make mistakes; we will be wrong, and we will not know the power of God.

Mt 22:29 KJV: “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.”

God also wants us to keep His words. Why? Because if we don’t keep them we might not have them to study and know. If we love God and His perfect way, we will also love His words. Have you ever been in love? When you really love Someone you will hang on Their every word.

Joh 14:23 KJV: “Jesus answered and said unto him, IF A MAN LOVE ME, HE WILL KEEP MY WORD: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

So, you tell me, who on this earth really loves God?

Its very important to recognize that if a person does NOT believe that the King James Bible is the complete and perfect words of God, then they are in a position in which they DO NOT believe that ANY BIBLE in any language is the perfect words of God. The moment a person accepts all or another bible version then they automatically can't possibly believe in the inerrancy of scriptures. Why? Because all bible versions are DIFFERENT, and God plainly states that His words are PURE and that His way and work is PERFECT…and that He will PRESERVE His words…and He is a God of TRUTH and cannot lie.

Ps 12:6-7 KJV: “The words of the LORD are PURE words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. [7] Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt PRESERVE them from this generation for ever.”

Ps 18:30 KJV: “As for God, HIS WAY IS PERFECT: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler [ i.e. shield ] to all those that trust in him.”

De 32:4 KJV: “He is the Rock, HIS WORK IS PERFECT: for all his ways are judgment: a God of TRUTH and without iniquity, just and right is he.”

Tit 1:2b KJV: “…GOD, THAT CANNOT LIE, promised before the world began;”

There are no ESV-only, or NIV-only groups out there who honestly believe their bible version is the inerrant words of God. Most churches today say that only the “originals” are/were inerrant.

BUT here’s the kicker…

THERE ARE NO ORIGINALS in existence today!
THERE ARE NO ORIGINALS in existence today!
THERE ARE NO ORIGINALS in existence today!

The originals are long gone. So, this leaves them with NO inerrant Bible at all.

Some people ask, “But where was the book of the Lord before the printing of the KJV Bible in 1611?”

Answer: God was in the process of having His words PURIFIED through His chosen sources.

Ps 12:6 KJV: “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, PURIFIED seven times.”

If you’ll notice in the above verse it says “purified SEVEN times.” The number seven is kind of like God’s signature. The number seven is intricately woven throughout the King James Bible, and any biblical numeric student can quickly demonstrate this fact to you. Of course, the modern version are lacking such authenticity.

Here are a few great examples you can check out for yourself. Just complete the math worksheet using a KJV Bible: https://shop.avpublications.com/product_info.php?cPath=23&products_id=144

Paper and ink is a ZERO challenge to God; nothing is too hard for Him; He’s God.

God’s word is settled in HEAVEN, and He has and will continue to use faithful men with pure hearts that love Him to preserve His perfect words. We just need to seek it out, read it, study it, believe it and keep it.

Ps 119:89 KJV: “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in HEAVEN.”

God loves the number seven; it is His personal number. It is important to understand and remember that the King James Bible was created from SIX (6) other bibles, making the King James Bible the SEVENTH (7) and final Bible…purified seven times.



LEARN MORE HERE – http://www.moresureword.com/KJVonlyYES.htm

God works around man and through the men who truly love Him. Man is imperfect, while God is perfect. So, to produce a perfect copy of His pure words through the hand of men took some TIME.

Jer 32:27 KJV: “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: IS THERE ANY THING TOO HARD FOR ME?” ~God

At the same time God was in the process of creating His perfect copy of His words, there were His enemies trying to corrupt it with men’s words. The history of KJV Bible dramatically prove this.

Watch “A Lamp In The Dark:untold history of Bible ~ Full Film” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNZ-sOzXWEk&oref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGNZ-sOzXWEk&has_verified=1

There are many reasons for our belief that the King James Bible is God's inerrant Book and the Standard by which all others are to be measured. The texts, the theology, no proven errors and the testimony of how God has used the King James Bible like no other book in history point to the hand of God.

Here are a few other things you might want to consider.

The Absolute Standard – http://brandplucked.webs.com/absolutestandard.htm


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